Responsabilidade social corporativa

Juntos, fazemos a diferença

Na Prophix, não acreditamos em ideias pequenas. Nosso objetivo é criar um impacto duradouro na comunidade global por meio de programas e projetos relevantes.

Driven by Prophix employees, our approach to social responsibility started as a grassroots movement to now supporting worthy causes around the globe. It’s not just what we do, it’s who we are!

A group of people smiling and posing for a photo in a serene woodland setting.
01 Our CSR Story
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Our CSR story

Since 1987, our founder, Paul Barber, has championed the spirit of giving by organizing a large yearly donation of toys and turkeys to the Salvation Army. This tradition has continued nearly 30 years later with support from our CSR committee.

In 2015, Phil Gravel, our Vice President of Customer Success, decided to pursue his passion for making the world a better place by submitting a proposal for a formal Corporate Social Responsibility charter and committee.

Havia dois princípios centrais na proposta de Phil que continuam orientando nossas ações até hoje:

  • Employees should lead the CSR effort and champion the causes they believe in.
  • All initiatives should have the buy-in and support of our leadership team.

In its first year, the CSR committee donated over $100,000 to support charitable projects in Kenya and India, and to improve the lives of those suffering from homelessness, women affected by violence, and children afflicted with cancer and poverty in local communities.

Hoje, nosso comitê conta com 15 membros responsáveis por promover, organizar e apoiar nossas constantes iniciativas de responsabilidade social corporativa.

02 Initiatives
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Our initiatives


Nosso compromisso com a responsabilidade social corporativa estende-se ao nosso planeta. Em 2019, lançamos um amplo programa de reciclagem, resíduos e compostagem para reduzir o impacto ambiental dos nossos escritórios.

Purpose projects

Todo trimestre que atingimos nossas metas de vendas doamos US$ 50.000 para uma organização sem fins lucrativos que está fazendo a diferença no mundo. Os funcionários podem indicar causas que lhes são caras e o projeto final é escolhido por votação popular.

Com isto conseguimos apoiar uma grande variedade de iniciativas beneficentes de profunda importância para os nossos funcionários.

Empowering employees

Creating lasting change takes a community – and that’s why our employees are the driving force behind our philanthropy. We aim to support the initiatives that matter most to our staff by giving them opportunities to get involved and have their voice heard.

Premiamos os funcionários por viverem nossa filosofia por meio de:

  • Folga remunerada
  • Dias de voluntariado
  • Eventos corporativos
  • Correspondência de doação
  • Paixões compartilhadas

Our commitment in action

03 War child
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1º trimestre de 2022: War Child

A War Child Canada ajuda pessoas nas situações mais vulneráveis que vivem nos ambientes humanitários mais complexos do mundo.

War Child is globally recognized for its grassroots, community-driven model of humanitarian action that’s rooted in collaboration, is 100% locally led, and focused on long-term impact. War Child Canada’s robust programs continue to empower children and families to build brighter futures for themselves and their communities through access to high-quality education, legal services, and job opportunities.

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4º trimestre de 2021: The United Nations Refugee Agency

UNHCR (The United Nations Refugee Agency) helps refugees and other displaced people around the world survive, recover, and rebuild better futures. The focus of the campaign was to assist the refugee situation in Ukraine. Through staff, Prophix, Sage Foundation, and other matching programs, we were able to raise $150,000 in financial relief. The committed UNHCR staff of more than 17,000 people work in 135 countries—providing shelter, food, water, medical care, and other life-saving assistance to refugees around the world. UNHCR prides itself on ensuring resources are used responsibly and efficiently to benefit displaced people around the world.

05 the palestine childrens relief fund
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3º trimestre de 2021: Palestine Children's Relief Fund

The Palestine Children’s Relief Fund was established in 1992 by concerned humanitarians in the USA to bring injured and sick children free medical care they could not get locally. Since then, they have sent over 2,000 sick and injured children for free medical care, as well as sponsored hundreds of volunteer medical teams from all over the world to treat tens of thousands of sick and injured youths in local hospitals. PCRF also has built two pediatric cancer departments in Palestine and has several more major programs and projects taking place to help support the development of a sustainable healthcare system there. 

06 Her Volution
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2º trimestre de 2021: HerVolution

A HerVolution tem sede em Toronto e é o lugar ideal para jovens de comunidades carentes desenvolverem suas habilidades. O objetivo da HerVolution é criar oportunidades para a próxima geração de jovens mulheres nas áreas de ciência, tecnologia, engenharia e matemática, conectando-as aos líderes do setor para suporte profissional.

Algumas de nossas iniciativas beneficentes