A versão de verão de 2021 está aqui! Melhorando as capacidades de análise e Reporting do Prophix

Prophix Imageprophix Aug 30, 2021, 2:25:00 AM
Our customers are simply amazing! They are the driving force behind our phenomenal growth. And at Prophix, we have always believed that our customers’ success is our success. Feature requests from customers, coupled with the ever-increasing demands placed on FP&A, push us to evolve our solution to make it faster and more intuitive with each iteration. And this approach is at the foundation of the Prophix Summer 2021 Release.

Make Better Decisions Faster

The Summer 2021 Release introduces significant improvements to Prophix’s Reporting and Analysis capabilities. Ad-Hoc Analysis is a powerful feature in Prophix that allows users to organize a set of data to create reports and draw conclusions from the results. Data views are the cornerstone of visualizations in Prophix. A recent customer survey revealed to us how important this tool is in a finance professional’s arsenal. We found that 60% of Ad-Hoc Analysis users are accountants and financial analysts, and the remaining third are at the leadership level in their organization. The most common uses for Ad-Hoc Analysis are moving from summary to detail data, fast data validation for account reconciliation, and on the-fly data entry for corporate budgets. Enhancements to Ad-Hoc Analysis include:
  • Dimensions Appear in Rows & Columns – In Prophix Web Client, users can now place members of one dimension in both rows and columns. This creates more possibilities for data presentation and gives you the flexibility to create niche reports.
  • ‘Choose Layout’ Tab Re-Design – Report builders in Prophix are likely familiar with key customizations such as ‘Exclude Missing’ and ‘Unique Combinations’. Improvements to the design of the ‘Choose Layout’ tab streamline the ability to easily toggle these capabilities “on and off” to create your ideal report.
  • ‘Choose Members’ Tab Re-Design – It’s now easier than ever to navigate between dimensions to start choosing members. Simply choose a list of members to include in a data view by dragging and dropping.
  • Footer Details – For Prophix users who like to slice and dice their data, you can now draw conclusions faster by viewing the average, count, sum, and cube name of a selected range of cells in the Ad-Hoc Analysis footer. Spend less time exporting to Excel and creating reports to review summary detail.

Improved Interoperability with Microsoft® Excel®

When it comes to financial applications, seamless interoperability with Excel is essential. In this release, improvements include:
  • Download to Excel Enhancements - Page member details will now appear on every data view downloaded into Excel to help you better understand what you’re looking at.
  • Copy with Headers Option – Now, when copying ranges of cells to paste externally, row and column labelling will paste along with your values, making it easier to understand the context of the data you’re sharing and saving outside of Prophix.

Additional Enhancements

Additional improvements to Prophix’s capabilities include:
  • Data-Entry Enhancements – Whether you’re inputting budget and forecast data through a template, data view, or Detailed Planning Schedule, a redesign of our copy/paste functionality means you can populate template sections quicker than ever before.
  • Cell Comments Usability Enhancements - Hovering over any cell comment now reveals up to 600 characters, which allows users to work more seamlessly without having to launch Cell Comment for data views and templates.
  • New Numeric Formatting for Accounts in Model Manager-The universal ability to present accounts in thousands has been added. This formatting carries throughout the entire system, making Ad-Hoc Analysis easier in your preferred numeric format.
  • Procedural Calculation Enhancement in Process Manager– Now, it’s possible to leverage named sets within the Procedural Calculation process to save even more time.
Other usability improvements include a streamlined configuration across various features if only one cube exists in your model, more ways for budget owners to interact with Detailed Planning Schedules, and improved calculation logic for detailed planning.  
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Líderes financeiros que buscam alcançar grandes metas confiam na Prophix para avançar e alcançar excelência em seu trabalho. Utilizando o Prophix One, uma plataforma de desempenho financeiro, para aprimorar a rapidez e precisão nas tomadas de decisão dentro de uma experiência de usuário harmonizada, equipes financeiras de todo o mundo estão conseguindo avançar para a próxima geração da finança sem reservas.

Simplifique a complexidade, reduza a incerteza e obtenha uma visão clara dos dados com acesso aos melhores insights automatizados e ferramentas completas para planejamento, orçamento, previsão, relatórios e consolidação. A Prophix é uma empresa privada apoiada pela Hg Capital, uma investidora líder em empresas de software e serviços. Mais de 3 mil clientes ativos em todo o mundo utilizam a Prophix para alcançar o sucesso organizacional.

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